Trans-lunar trajectory

The mission was now ready for the next step: the ship would us the Command Module to put itself along a trans-lunar trajectory. This transfer orbit would put the lunar vehicle on an intercept path with the Mun's sphere of influence:

Coming in too fast for the weak gravity of Mun to capture it, the vehicle would then have to burn again to prevent escaping the Mun and enter into orbit around it.

The trans-lunar injection required a 2 minutes burn at full thrust and applied a delta-v of 837 m/s to the vehicle (which is close to the 860 m/s reported in delta-v maps):

The lunar mission was underway.

There was one further mid-course correction burn applied at the ascending node in order to raise the transfer orbit by a small amount and put the vechicle precisely on the orbital plane of the Mun:

After more than 7 hours enroute, the lunar vehicle was approaching its encounter with the Mun:

Continue to Mun capture ...

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