It was now time for the most crucial part of the mission: landing on Mun.
The first step involed transfering two of the mission's kerbonauts to the Lunar Module. Aldmund and Barming were the selected lucky Kerbals that would step on another world:

The Lunar Module then undocked from the Command Module ...

... and activated its engine retrograde to kill its orbital velocity:

The resulting steep trajectory would bring it to the surface, while the Command Module continued along its orbit with the remaining Kerbonaut:

The powered descent demanded nerves of steel from our brave Kerbonauts:

With a few meters remaining, Aldmund lost his concentration and momentarily lost control of the Lunar Module, which did a complete barrel roll before the pilot could recover control. In the process, the top of the capsule briefly scraped the lunar surface. However, after nerve-racking moments, the lander finally touched down:

Continue to Munwalk ...
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