Mission Preparations

As orbital rendezvous was now second nature for the KSA, the distinct mission components were launched separately and assembled in orbit, using Space Station One was rally point.

The first component to go up was the Pegasus-L Booster.

Once in orbit, it tested the four LV-N nuclear engines that would take it to Duna ...

... and then proceeded to rendezvous and dock with SSO.

The next component was the dune buggy that would allow the kerbonauts to cover long distances on the ground. It launched on a small rocket ...

... and proceeded autonomously to SSO.

There, it docked to the bottom of the Pegasus-L booster. With a quick EVA, a resident kerbonaut inspected the joints and ensured the systems were correctly integrated.

Finally, the Ares Lander itself was launched, carrying the crew of the mission: the Big Three, Jeb, Bill and Bob.

After the lander rendezvous'ed with SSO, the Pegasus-L undocked from the station and attached itself to the lander, thus completing the assembly of the interplanetary spacecraft.

The completed Ares spacecraft docked back with SSO for final refueling and inspection of all systems.

The Ares Mission was set to go.

Continue to Duna Transfer ...

<Mission Overview | Duna Transfer >