Satelite Deployment

Now in stable orbit around Duna, the first reconaissance satelite undocked from the main spacecraft.

It activated its engine and performed the maneuvers to circularize its orbit at an altitude of 45 km —just above the atmosphere— and an inclination around 45°.

In this orbit, the Duna satelite would slowly map the surface of the Red Planet, including its enormous canyons.

On the next periapsis passage, Duna Express released the second reconaissance satelite.

The second satellite was destined to orbit Ike, Duna's only moon. With a brief burn, it was on a transfer trajectory to Ike.

Ike's rocky surface is reminiscent of Mun's, but it is not as cratered.

The satelite entered an inclined circular orbit at 12 km altitude above the surface.

The Duna Express had now completed most of it objectives, having now robotic explorers across the Duna system.

Only one objective remained: landing on Duna.

Continue to Landing ...

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