Return to Kerbin

Samlin Kerman skilfully piloted the LM back onto orbit, performed the orbital maneuvers required to rendezvous with the CM, and docked the spacecraft together.

With the lander docked, the Command Module performed a burn to put the kerbonauts in a return trajectory to Kerbin. A few hours before, reentry, the Lunar Module was jettisoned, and the CM pushed away on a slightly different return path. The LM would burn up in the atmosphere above the ocean.

Due to good luck more than intelligent planning (isn't that starting to become a trademark of the whole program?), the Command Module would land surprisingly near the Space Center. The service section of the CM was jettisoned shortly before entering the atmosphere.

The landing went without incident.

And so ended the second mission to the Mun. The touchdown site was so close to the Space Center that the kerbonauts could've walked back. Mission accomplished!

< Mun landing