Engine selection
Set which engines to include in the computation of the chart. Whole groups can be toggled on or off using the buttons.
Mouse over info icons to see details concerning specific engines.
Changes done here do not automatically update the chart; click the Calculate! button to do so.
Recall ranges
Save chart
Chart interactivity:
Mouse over the chart to see additional details about the point under the mouse in the right-hand panel.
Click on the chart to lock the details panel to a specific point in the chart; click again to unlock.
Click-and-drag to pan the currently displayed view; the chart will be recomputed with the new ranges.
Hold the CTRL key and click-and-drag to zoom the chart in to the selected area.
Chart controls:
Use [variable] range buttons to (+) shrink (zoom-in) (+) or (-) expand (zoom-out) the ranges of the variables shown.
Recall ranges allows to go back and forward between past range settings.
Save chart to save the current chart as a png image.
Engine Analysis Details locked
Payload fraction
Burnout time
Acceleration (m/s2 )
Mass breakdown (t)
Burn times
100 m/s
200 m/s
500 m/s
1000 m/s
Payload fraction
Burnout time
Acceleration (m/s2 )
Mass breakdown
Burn times
100 m/s
200 m/s
500 m/s
1000 m/s
tavert's original engine charts for the inspiration to create this app.
Alex Moon's Launch Window Planner , an incredibly useful tool on which most of the styling of this app is based.
Special thanks to Slashy, LittleBlueGaming, Teilnehmer, John FX, Red Iron Crown, 5thHorseman, Brotoro, cybersol, Starhawk and other members of the KSP forums for helpful suggestions and beta testing.
Development: KSP Forums dev thread | Github repository .
Optimal Engine Charts is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 . Third-party additional software is used under the terms of the corresponding licenses. Built with Paper.js and jquery.js . Styles by Twitter Bootstrap . Icons by Glyphicons .
Copyleft Meithan West, 2015. Some rights reserved.
Current version: 1.1.2